52-56 Hillsborough Road, Lisburn, BT28 1JJ

028 92665527


Lisburn Central Primary School & Nursery Unit

Welcome to P6!!

 Look at our WONDERFUL P6 children! 

03.09.24- P6 have enjoyed their first trip to the school library, they found lots of interesting books. We discussed the blurb, author, illustrator, content page and cover.

09.09.24- P6- have been developing their fundamental movements in PE lessons. We have been working on our balance, coordination, strength and our accuracy. We had great fun taking part in this circuit. 


20.09.24-  Today the P6 voted for and elected their peers as the school council representatives. Well done Thomas and Hope  

WAU TOPIC- VIKING ART, P6 have been having lots of fun designing and creating their own Viking Shields.  Today went  outside for some photos in the sun and pretended to be Vikings. We have been learning about the Viking raids on Lindisfarne, how they travelled, what they ate and how the Vikings behaved. Top work P6. 

02/10/24- P6 used an ICT app called Just2Easy today to input our data to the frequency table and then create a graph, we had to change the titles, change bar chart colours to suit and the font to make our work more appealing and eye catching.

Next we typed suitable questions linked to our graphs for our peers to answer. Great teamwork and ICT skills developing in P6.

Kindness Week- WC 30th Sept-  To mark Kindness week in P6 we completed lots of PDMU and had an  fun art lesson. Our moto was to 'spread kindness like confetti'. Mrs White brought in tea and biscuits for the pupils after a busy week. All children enjoyed this time to chat with each other and relax. 

‘No Act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted’. Aesop

09.10.24- P6 Enjoyed their first visit to the Library. We learnt about how the books are organised and how to navigate the library. We completed a quiz and sorted authors into alphabetical order and listened to a chapter of a book. Some pupils even got to borrow books to take home. Well Done P6. 

10.10.24 World Mental Health Day- to recognise this day in school, we started off with completing our spellings and tables outside in the fresh air, using chalk, then we peer marked our work. This was great fun for everyone and no marking for the staff :) 

We then competed a Core PE Live Workout with over 178 schools via zoom. P6 have been learning the importance and ways to look after our Mental Health during our comprehension lesson this week. 

Today P6 became investigators. We first predicted what materials thought would float and what would sink before carrying out the activity. We then discussed what materials would be suitable to make a Viking Longboat.  We then worked in small crews to build a ship from a range of materials and used selotape to make it waterproof. P6 had a great afternoon testing the longboats. We then added weigh to the longboats to tests the boat building skills. 

24.10.24- Today we used chalks to draw our own Viking longboats with a sunset background. This was great fun as we used tissues and our fingers to blend the background and used pencils and markers to add detail. Top work P6. 

23/10/24- To celebrate World Book Week- P6 went to the library- We completed colouring pages about World Book Week and were challenged to find specific books within the library. 

12.11.24- To mark Anti Bullying Week in Central we all wore odd socks. This provided a great talking point and and gave all pupils the opportunity to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and recognise that we are all unique.

12.11.24- Today P6 pupils took part in a 'Smokebusters' workshop delivered by zoom. This workshop helps to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills to resist the temptation to smoke/vape and remain smoke free throughout their lives. We looked at what temptation looks and role played different scenarios. 

We discussed how we can become addicted to many things such as screens, foods, drinks etc. We also practiced the skill of saying no to temptation and selecting an alternative or healthier life choice.

13.11.24- Today P6 joined HIP Psychology on an Anti-Bullying workshop. This was a brilliant undertaking for our pupils with the theme ‘Together Stronger’. The workshop guided the children through many scenarios of bullying in an engaging and informative manner. The format of the session was delivered interactively via Zoom with the Kahoot app adding to the connected experience.

26.11.24 – P6 took part in a workshop with Bryson Pathways as part of their Living Well Programme. P6 learnt about the amount of sugar in different foods and drinks and how this has an impact on our teeth. They also went outside for a jog and were then able to keep track of how many calories they burnt using a Fit bit provided by Bryson!

29.12.2024 - P6 had great fun helping put up our class Christmas tree!

December 2024- World Around Us- As part of our topic 'Titanic', pupils were set the task to create a cabin within the ship. Mr. Belch has then very kindly put them together for a gigantic display. The pupils are really enjoying this topic and have been researching and developing so many skills. 

9th/10th January 2025-Today P6 investigated different types of 2D shapes. We discussed and explored regular and irregular 2D shapes and their properties.. We then explored 3D shapes and their nets. Well done everyone

January 2025- Primary 6 will be focusing on dance this term for PE. Today we learnt the dance routine for the Greatest Showman! We had great fun following the routine on the interactive whiteboard and performed it in front of our peers. 

The therapeutic nature of dance keeps children in a cheerful frame of mind. Dance also helps in shedding shyness and boosts self-confidence. Dance allows a child to express imaginatively and improves leadership qualities.

23rd January 2025- As part of our Victorian topic, today we made porridge some children loved it and other not so much, We discussed the similarities and the differences as today we added delicious toppings such as honey, chocolate or strawberry sauce, jam or sugar. 

23rd January 2025- Today P6 pupils developed their measuring skills. We used the scales to weigh the correct amount of porridge and measure the liquid using the measuring jug. P6 really enjoyed this practical activity linking the weights and measures to our numeracy classwork. 

28.01.25 Ditch the Dark Day, today the whole school dressed up in reflective and florescent clothing. Mrs White led the Friday assembly to educate all children about the importance of our clothing choice when travelling in the darker months.


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06/02/2025- Today P6 pupils made their very own butter from double cream. The P6’s were amazed by how simple this process was and it was very tasty too.

As it is child mental health week, we had toast and our homemade butter which was a lovely treat for all the pupils in the class instead of writing and our daily test. We then discussed where milk comes from, each step as the cream changed, and how we could add different flavours to the butter.


‘No Act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted’. Aesop

18.02.25- P6 took part in a Adobe Express Safer Internet Day live lesson- We created 

eye-catching content, using AI that's designed to be commercially safe. We discussed the importance of being safe online and keeping our personal information personal. We also achieved the certificate for participating in this lesson. TOP WORK P6 

24.02.25-  Victorian children didn’t have computers or television so they played lots of games. So today for PE, P6 played old fashioned Victorian outdoor games such as hula-hoops, skipping with rhymes, chalk hopscotch, tag and bat and ball games. 

If they didn’t have a proper ball, they made them from old rags, and made bats from pieces of wood. Some of the games that were popular in Victorian times are still played in playgrounds today.

We had such good fun together in the sun working on our coordination, accuracy, spatial awareness and teamwork. 

WORLD BOOK DAY- P6 parents were tasked an undercover job to catch the pupils reading in a strange place or to a different audience. We also dressed up for the occasion, well done, look at the wonderful costumes. 



04/03/25- P6 pupils took part in a RIAT Glider Challenge organised and delivered by the Royal Air Force Inspire Charitable Trust. P6 were tasked with the STEM challenge to design and build their own glider in groups. We had a great time participating in this workshop and all pupils received a certificate for their efforts.

14.03.25- P6 took part in a Adobe Express British Science Week live lesson- We created eye-catching content, using AI that's designed to be commercially safe. The theme this year is adapting and changing so the live lesson focused on animals that can do this, then we linked this to how technology can change so rapidly and can change our lives. 

We discussed the importance of being safe online and keeping our personal information personal. We also achieved the certificate for participating in this lesson. TOP WORK P6 

18th March 2025- Primary 6 have been busy in the classroom. We soaked, then germinated beetroot, broccoli and courgette seeds to speed up the growing process. Once germinated, we planted them into fresh compost, and they sprouted out of the soil within 2 days. P6 are enjoying watching them grow. Once they grow we will then transplant them out into the raised beds. keep an eye out to see our progress. 

March 2025- This week we have been focusing on direction of travel and using a compass. Pupils then took these skills to the playground and working in pairs gave each other instructions such as 4 steps North then 1/4 turn, anti clockwise etc., putting their knowledge to the test. We finished by drawing our own 8-16 point compass on the ground in chalk. 

19th March 2025- Today we created our own nursery rhyme in pairs.  We identified all the rhyming words and brain stormed ideas to create silly creative sentences about 'a goat in a boat' for children to enjoy. We then practiced and then presented our nursery rhymes to the class, working on our tone, pitch and voice projection. We then gave each group feedback. Well done P6.  

*Our next step is to make any improvements to our rhymes, type them up on the chrome books and display our creative work. 

Tuesday 25th March 2025- Today we took part in a knowing your risk: smoking/vaping workshop. We discussed the vast number of chemicals in cigarettes and how these can damage our bodies in various ways. we were shown photos, videos and visual props or representations. 

This was a great workshop to educate our pupils about the importance of making healthy choices is key to preventing all sorts of illnesses, including chest, heart and stroke conditions. 

You can find more information on the dangers of smoking or how to get help on https://nichs.org.uk/

Tuesday 25th March-WAU- today we looked at the Virtuali-Tee. This allowed us to take science to a new dimension enabling you to learn about the human body...on a human body. With beautifully designed augmented reality and amazing 3D learning experiences you can explore the circulatory, respiratory and digestive systems with fully immersive 360 video. Have a look at the P6 pupils and their insides.